Roof services in Bryan Texas


Storms cause an abundance of roof damage that requires expensive roof repair by qualified and experienced roof services. Depending on the type, age, and condition of your structure, different weather can cause different kinds of roof damage. To protect your roof and know when to call a contractor, make looking for specific signs of storm damage a part of regular roof maintenance.

Water Damage

The most common type of damage you may experience and create a need for roof repair is water damage. Depending on the severity of the storm, this could be a simple leak due to a piece of missing flashing or more substantial leaking secondary to damage caused by high winds, impacts, and other storm conditions.

Look for signs of leaking in your attic since any water that gets past your roofing materials may show up there first. Look for wet beams and insulation, water stains that have dried out, and water stains on the ceiling under the attic. Inspect the outside for obvious damage like missing shingles or flashing that may lead to leaks if not promptly repaired by roof services.

Wind Damage

Whether they come alone or with rain and hail, high winds can be extremely damaging to your roof, especially if regular roof maintenance has not been done.  The more obvious signs of wind damage include shingles or panels that are blown or peeled off or bent back, missing or bent flashing and gutter, and other components that are obviously missing or out of place.

More subtle damage that may be detected by an experienced roof repair company is loosening of the shingles or panels. When this damage is not detected right away, it can lead to extensive leaking later as water gets under the loosened roofing. Strong winds can also cause impact damage and even penetration if objects like tree branches or other debris are blown onto the top of the house.

Hail Damage

Some storms bring hail with them that can vary in size from as small as a pea to as large as a baseball. Any hail that is over an inch in diameter has the ability to damage your roof. The larger the hail, the more significant its impact and the greater the possibility that your structure has sustained damage.

After any hailstorm, roof service experts recommend that you inspect your home right away. Begin with the gutters, searching for dents, dings, and missing pieces. Then look for evidence of impact damage such as dents in the shingles or panels, missing granules or granules filling the gutters, and cracked or broken shingles.

Like wind damage, some types of hail damage can be more difficult to detect than others. Rather than waiting for your next roof maintenance inspection, have a contractor come out look for hidden damage that may cause costly problems later on.

It should be easy to see that severe storms can cause many types of damage that require roof repair. Whether they bring driving or hurricane-force winds or large hail, storms signal an important time to inspect your roof for the damage these storms can bring. Better yet, seek the services of local roof services to check your roof. Inspections, both routine and after a big storm, are a critical part of roof maintenance and the best way to keep your roof in great shape!

Need Storm Roof Repair In Bryan Texas?

Bryan Roofers Does All Types Of Roof Services and Repair!

Call 979-464-6655!